Friday, November 16, 2007


Next week will be my dad's 2nd year death anniversary. I can't believe it has been that long since he went to be with Jesus. A few weeks ago I actually had my first dream about him, and I ask myself why is it only now that I dreamt of him, does it mean I don't miss him that much? It was just totally bizarre because I was aware of everything, and I knew in my dream that he has passed away so I ended up crying and that's when I woke up sobbing. I terribly miss my dad. I remember him always asking me when I'm getting married, and all. And now that I have girlfriend, how I wish I could tell him, "hey dad, meet my girlfriend!" There are times I just feel so sad and yet deep down though I know I'm going to see him someday. Just way too cool knowing that someone whom you love so much that left you, you will actually be meeting in the future. Totally blows away the world's view of everything. God, You just overwhelm me and I don't get it and that's cool!

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