Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Proud Father

Last February 1st was Quest's 3rd Service Awards night. I was really blessed to be part of that as I remember how it was there at North Point. I was in tears when the guy from my small group received both the production volunteer of the year as well as the rookie of the year awards. I was like a proud father cheering on his son. I guess that's the blessing of being old... I mean, mature, when younger people come to you for advice because when your so-called "sons" realize their calling and give their all in it, your sleepless nights worrying about where they are and the endless 'why did you do this' discussions pay off. It makes me feel like I'm as old as Donald Trump...hehehe. Anyway, hopefully I'd be a good dad to my own son someday, when that time comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy father's day!!!
you really are a blessing to these kids man..